Almost made $2000!

Yesterday, April 18, was the “Telethon Edition” of my weekly radio show. This is the once-a-year radio fundraiser that the radio station holds to solicit support from listeners.

My goal was to raise $2000 in pledges over his 2 hour show. It was an exciting (and vocally tiring two hours), and ALMOST made it to my goal.

Can you believe it, I got $1995 in donations! 5 bucks short … even with my own donation added in. Close enough, eh?

By the way, you can always download the past week’s edition of the show at any time. Please realize it’s about 50 MB big, and will take a while to download.

Sunday Matinee airs from 12:00 Noon to 2:00 pm, every Sunday, on WRUW-FM 91.1 here in Cleveland, Ohio.







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