2013 Missouri Trip: Day 3: Dog Park, Packing, and More

(Friday, March 1):  We had a leisurely morning at Arbor Ct.  After a tasty breakfast, Patty, Sue and I loaded up Patty’s jeep and took Ladybug and Trolley to the local dog park to get some exercise.  Chris did not join us because he had work to take care of at the University.

The dogs had a grand time running around the dog park without their leashes.  Trolley, who is recovering from hip surgery a few weeks ago, bounced around on one hind leg through the snow.  In some areas where the snow had crusted over, Ladybug was able to shimmy along on the top of the snow before she eventually plunged through.


The dogs howled with delight, and made a point of sniffing the perimeter of the park along the fence.   In areas of “yellow snow”, they checked the “Pee-Mail” left by other dogs.  They also left messages for future visitors.  🙂


Of course, the three of us humans followed the dogs through the snow and we got quite a workout.  The snow was about 10 inches deep in some areas and like walking through sand (except a lot colder).


Eventually, it was time to go, and we loaded up the jeep again.


Patty drove us through Columbia, so we could see the town and the University.


Once back home, we chowed down some lunch, and set about helping Patty pack.

Sue and I taped out an area the size of the U-Haul trailer and began simulating how we might load the actual trailer for the move.  There was much speculation over the presence or absence of wheel wells on the inside of the trailer, but we progressed and worked under the assumption that there were none.  Toast helped us load the imaginary trailer, pointing out all the nooks and crannies where we can fit small boxes.


Chris got back home from the office, and he and I took the dogs out for a long walkie, chatting about my training work and about the inefficiencies of online education at the University level.

Around 6:00 CST we headed to dinner.  Our restaurant of choice had a 50-minute wait.  In the interim, we stopped by PetSmart two doors down, so Patty and Chris could arrange their last dog-training lesson for Saturday.  Sue and I checked out the PetSmart Adoption Center (of course!) and saw four kitties on display.  One charming little Tuxedo cat named Matrix tried make contact with Flat Panda Bear.


After leaving PetSmart we abandoned our initial dinner choice because of the wait time.  We stopped by the U-Haul store and verified that the trailer does in fact have NO interior wheel well space, and then headed to Bandana’s Bar-B-Q for dinner.  We chowed down turkey, ribs and pork and stuffed ourselves silly.



Once back home, Sue checked in with our cat sitter.  Our cats back home are fine.  Her cat, Lucky, was not so lucky and wound up on the losing end of an encounter with a skunk!  Ewwwwww ….

Sue up and left and went to bed, while Patty, Chris and I watched a movie, “Safety Not Guaranteed” before calling it a night!

Coming tomorrow … unloading the imaginary trailer and transferring the load to the REAL trailer!

More pictures below!  (Click on any photo to enlarge)

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